There is an inherent tension in writing
historical fiction where the plot centres around real events and the characters
are not just fictional constructs but real live (or, more usually, dead) people. An absolute sticking to the known facts is
likely to produce at best a dull story and, more likely an incomplete one. After all, unless the characters have all
produced autobiographies, who’s to say what they said or thought at the
time. On the other hand, the more the
author interposes him-or herself into the narrative the further away from
historical and the closer to fiction the book moves until, in the worst case,
the story becomes bad history.
This tension and whether historical fiction
should actually be written and, if so, how, are the central concerns of
Laurence Binet’s semi-autobiographical narrator in HHhH, his debut novel and winner of the Prix Goncourt - for those
of you who aren’t familiar with the book the title is the acronym for “Himmlers
Hirn heisst Heydrich”, or “Himmler’s brain is called Heydrich”, a popular jibe
at Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and not known for his intellect.
The narrator of HHhH wants to tell the story of Operation Anthropoid, the plan to
assassinate Reinhard Heydrich who, in 1942, was the acting Protector of Bohemia
and Moravia one of the more disingenuous titles in history as one of his other
nicknames was the Hangman of Prague. In
brief, two Czechoslovak parachutists, Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabcík, were dropped
into Czecvhoslovakia as part of a joint British and Czech operation. The two men ambushed Heydrich as he was
driving to his office in the morning and, although the attack failed, Heydrich
died a few days later of an infection caused by his injuries.
It is difficult to say whether the operation
had any practical consequences other than removing one of the most repellent of
all the Nazis from the world.
Czechoslovakia would suffer under Nazi rule until May 1945 and Heydrich’s
death came too late to prevent him from being one of the chief architects of the
Final Solution. In any event, the
assassination which had been designed to send a message to the Czechoslovak
people that Czech resistance was still alive and to bolster the credibility of the
Czech government-in-exile, resulted in the death and imprisonment of thousands
of civilians as the Nazis extorted massive reprisals on the local
populace. The reprisals culminated in
the Lidice massacre in which the entire adult male population of the village of
Lidice was shot and all but a few “Aryan” children were deported to concentration
camps from which few returned after the War.
In one of history’s crueller ironies, Lidice had been targeted as the
result of a faulty intelligence report, claiming that one of the two assassins
had family there.
Binet starts from the position that this
was one of the bravest and most significant resistance operations of the War
and so the responsibility to the truth of the author is correspondingly
great. This gives his narrator the
launching pad both for his increasing obsession with telling the story and for
his meditations on the nature of historical fiction.
The narrator returns again and again to the
ethics of inventing dialogue and scenes, arguing that to do so does the truth
an injustice and detracts from the import of what actually happened. Nevertheless as the plot unfolds, he succumbs
to the temptation, although from time to time, he plays with the reader by stating
his intent to stick to the facts before inventing a scene and then confessing
to this, thereby destabilising the narrative and showing us the ensuing loss of
certainty in the story.
At times it descends into a kind of
post-modernism by numbers effect but fortunately, the points he is making are
generally interesting enough for him to get away with it. He discourses on the level of detail that it
is necessary to include and whether minor descriptive details are valid, even
if assumed or not verified. His narrator
also veers off at various points to mention and criticise other books dealing
with Operation Anthropoid specifically and historical events more
generally. One particular attack on
Robert Litell’s The Kindly Ones smacks
a little too much of personal malice and actually detracts from his overall
It’s fair to say that the ideas and the historical
story are the thing with HHhH and
some of the dialogue and narrative is a bit wooden and, dare I say it,
cheesy. Binet’s style when recounting events
relating to the Holocaust and the death camps jars as being a bit insouciant
and matter of fact for the subject matter - I suppose this might even be a
deliberate technique to increase the reader’s discomfort as Binet tries so hard
to play with the historical fiction form.
Nevertheless, with all the above caveats I
couldn’t put HHhH down. He paces the action and the denouement of the
operation nicely and the balance between the meta-fictional parts and the realist
narrative works really well. I have to
confess that I still can’t decide whether this is a great modern novel or a
piece of post-modernism lite but I thoroughly enjoyed both elements of the book
and would highly recommend it - I think it will be read for a long, long time
to come. Full marks also to the translator, Sam Taylor.
For other bloggers' reviews of HHhH, please take a visit to:
The Book Smugglers, 1streading, Cathyreadsbooks, Bookmunch, Rowena Book Shop, Robin's Books, Annabel's House of Books and Winstonsdad's Blog.
If you've posted on HHhH and it's not here, do please let me know if you would like me to link to it.
The Book Smugglers, 1streading, Cathyreadsbooks, Bookmunch, Rowena Book Shop, Robin's Books, Annabel's House of Books and Winstonsdad's Blog.
If you've posted on HHhH and it's not here, do please let me know if you would like me to link to it.